Your language is one of the most powerful tools you have, right now.

You can use it to change your results and your reality.

The words you use both internally and externally create physiological and psychological responses.

Language originates from your thoughts and feelings. Words combined with sound (voice) are energy vibrations that affect the body’s energy centers, and have the inherent capacity to give power (energy) or take power (energy) away.

Words convey underlying messages to our energy centers creating physical, emotional, mental and spiritual responses in our body and in those around us.

Use empowering language to:

Regain and preserve your personal power

Support others in standing in their power

Let go of socially learned victim-hood

Call on your inner self–you are what you think/speak

Distinction between empowering and disempowering language:

Empowering language is centered, grounded, responsible,
powerful, and healthy. (Victor)

Disempowering language is weak and places responsibility outside of you. (Victim)

***Resources on this page include and printable version of this page and your choice of audio or video (same content)

Empowering Language PDF

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