Oprah Winfrey would say “aha!” moments are “A defining point in time in which a person comes to some sort of revelation about themselves. “Oprah never helped me have one of those moments, but I’ve had SEVERAL with Rhonda!That’s not her role to be a preacher but a listener.Then as you spill your guts out- thinking she will “believe”’your “reasons” for being stuck —she helps you deduce the root of your issues and how YOU can fix them!I’ve had many interactions with Rhonda but on a beautiful September Morning, I had a team building exercise with my team, on Rhonda’s horse ranch, sitting by the pool. It felt like a mini- retreat under the blue skies next to the blue water. In two hours, I felt more empowered, more knowledgeable and more confident! I think Oprah would call that an “AHA” moment, for sure!!

- AN Taylor

Today was my first day of Elevate Your Life and I don’t even know where to start. I went into the session rushed on the phone expecting to get a few tried and true suggestions about the organization and how to exceed in business and instead, I found the blindfold I’ve gotten very comfortable wearing bumping my way through life fall from my eyes allowing me to see some of my missteps I’m making now. I have direction now to make my way to being unstuck for the first time in a long time and I look forward to continuing my work with Rhonda as my Coach. Thank you so much Rhonda.

– A New Direction

I was embarking on a new phase of business and life but did not know how to navigate either – I did not know how to allow myself to direct my focus or to plan out my dreams and goals, much less how to lead my work team in a positive, forward-moving direction.

Rhonda has taught me techniques to address my work team in ways they can understand and I can work with them. She has helped me take time to enjoy my personal life – to actually Have a personal life; which makes my work life better.

I am much better at working with my team – understanding different ways to communicate with them in order to bring out the best in them. We are continually growing and improving – Rhonda has given me tools to become a better leader.

– Danielle B. Owner Bakers Southern Traditions

Working with Rhonda has been a life-changing experience. Her insight is so spot-on that I stopped psychotherapy because I was getting so much more out of Rhonda’s sessions. She has truly helped me have a happier, more balanced life by getting to the root of my issues and I cannot recommend her strongly enough!

– Melissa S.

YOU are an inspirational star, generous, humorous, and caring.

A million thank yous!

– Nina A.

Rhonda is an exceptional thought leader. She will challenge you in ways that pull you closer to your authentic self. Her techniques can be applied in any life situation and will enable you to feel free, focused and connected. She’s the real deal if you’re looking for that shift to live the life you’ve always dreamed of because you deserve it!

-Jacqueline M.

My name is Kim and I’m a Sales Director with Mary Kay Cosmetics. I’ve been a Beauty Consultant for 11 years and a Sales Director for the past 8 of those 11 years. I am a married, work from home mother of four.

I was a Special Education teacher for 12 years, but decided to pursue Mary Kay as my full time career 5 years ago. As a new mom entrepreneur, I struggled with balancing my work time, family time and personal time.

Since working with Rhonda, I’m better able to manage my time. I can schedule family time and really be present with them. I schedule my work time and stick to it rather than getting sidetracked with housework or personal things. I can also take time for myself without feeling guilty.

I really enjoy Rhonda’s approach on how to look at myself closely and be real with myself! It may be difficult at first to be so honest about your work ethic and personal habits, but it truly helped to look deep and make some positive changes. I found that I was more honest with Rhonda than I sometimes was with my Mary Kay mentors and myself. I would highly recommend Rhonda’s services to anyone that feels there’s something more to accomplish but needs a little help in pulling their talent and confidence to the surface!

– Kim H.

With Rhonda’s help as my coach and in using her life balance program as a tool, I have been able to move forward in leaps and bounds. Before I started the program I was completely stuck in all areas of my life. Rhonda helped me to pinpoint the things that held me back so I could move forward. One of the biggest breakthroughs was understanding that everyone works differently. This realization helped me feel confident that I wasn’t abnormal, but just needed to implement systems that would work best for me in my business and life. I can’t say enough about how much I appreciate Rhonda as a coach. Her support in helping me break through belief barriers has been amazing. It has been so helpful for me to have her guidance, as well as someone to hold me accountable to the action steps we set up each meeting. Rhonda also provides great pearls of wisdom that really make you contemplate your current situation. My favorite being “how you do anything is how you do everything”. I love how Rhonda, through the course of the program is able to take a more holistic approach to your life. We focus on a number of key areas and see how little changes in one area can promote big growth overall !

-Deborah B.