Today’s topic is all about you and some interesting perspectives that I would really like for you to consider. Let me ask you a question. Have you ever had someone in your life who made you feel very, very tired when you’re around them, perhaps really drained, depressed, sad, less than excited and happy. We all have had those people in our lives. My next question is how do you feel when you spend a lot of time with that person Do you feel like, Oh my God, I can’t wait til they go home. I can’t wait till I go home. Oh my God. I feel it. My life is over.

I’m going to guess you said yes, because we’ve all had those people in our lives. We have all had those people who are draining because all they do is they groan and they moan about their pain and their past and their spouse and their life and their work and on and on and on. So, now let me ask you a question. Do you have someone or some somebodies in your life that when you’re around him, her or them, you feel excited? You feel like there’s opportunity. There’s possibilities. That’s because they believe in you. They respect you and they want the best for you. Now, I hope that you have some people in your life like this, because I know I do. And if you can identify this person or people in your life now, I want to ask you, how does it make you feel

How do you behave when you’re with these people? Do you feel like there’s possibilities? Like I just can’t wait to get on my next project! LikeI can accomplish this task; and where you know, it’s okay to step outside my comfort zone that way, because I do have a cheering crowd and a bunch of cheerleaders! I do hope that you have somebody like this. Now I’m going to take a moment and talk about what’s going on, in what we’ll call “reality right now”. So, we are approximately,four months into this pandemic thing and everywhere you look, there’s something on the news. It’s constantly about the pandemic and the Corona virus and how bad it is and how many people are sick and how many people are dying. The podcast today is not about the politics. That’s not where I’m going.

Your thoughts, your beliefs. They belong to you. I’m not here to change them. I don’t want to change them. I don’t care. What I do want to bring to your attention now is when you watch the news, are you watching it once a day, twice a day, do you have it on 24 seven In other words, are you being informed or inundated? And when you watch the news, I don’t care what station that you watch. Again, that’s your choice, your preference. I’m not here to debate that today, but I do want to ask you to think about this. Whether you’re informed or inundated, and I want you to consider becoming aware of how you feel when you’re watching this information. Are you feeling sad? Are you feeling depressed? Do you feel anxiety, worry, fear, doubt? What are those feelings that you’re feeling from the news?

Are you excited? Do you want to get on board with the negativity that’s happening? Do you want to stand up? Do you want other people to hear your voice, your opinion? How is the news making you feel? Okay, let’s go back to the very first scenario I asked you about, if you have a friend or a group of friends who make you feel tired and exhausted and perhaps sad or depressed when you’re around them. How often do you let these people into your space? Yes, I did say how often do you Let them into your space Because guess what It’s your space, your bubble, your choice. So, how often are you allowing these people or person into your space? Now, What if,… what if you cut that down into a quarter of the amount, how would that make you feel? Would it have the same impact or effect on your daily life or weekly

I’m going to guess. No. Because now you don’t have the weight, the pressure of this person or people or group that make you feel sad, depressed, fretful, anxious. What would happen if you made a choice to say, “You know what, I just can’t do this right now”. What if you made a decision to make some space between you and this group of people or this person, or limit it to the very bare minimum. What would that be like for you in your everyday life? Every day, every few days, every week.. would you feel better? Would you feel excited? Would you have more room and time for you? Would you feel less exhausted? I’m going to guess- Yes. Now, let’s get back to ‘right now’ with the media or the news. Again, I don’t care who you’re listening to, but if you’re listening, what would it be like if you could just put it on pause, put it on hold and did not listen to anything.

And the only thing that you paid attention to was what it is that you are creating, what you have control of. I have control of me. I have control of nobody else in this world, except for me; how I behave, the thoughts that I think, which made me feel the way I feel. And then they act to behave in a manner of which came from my emotions. So I’m thoughtfully responding to something or I’m reacting. I’m human. I still sometimes react. And I’m sorry if I’ve ever offended you because of a reaction. Forgive me. I’m human, we’ve all done. It. I’m a work in progress. And as everyone here on the planet, we are just a work in progress. And frankly, the best project you will ever work on is you. Alright, so for the day, for the week, I don’t know if you can do it, for a month or not, but I’m really gonna encourage you make a choice today to make the space between you and the negativity.

If this is resonating with you and you would like to take this one step further, I do have a seven day challenge. It’s called No BS challenge. It’s a 7 day email series with a video that helps you become more aware of the things that you say, the thoughts that you have, how you feel, how those around you are feeling and how to shift it and take control of you. So, if you would like this, I want you to go to no B A They are about five to 10 minutes long, and there’s some homework in there for you to do work on you. So if you found this video or audio helpful, I’m going to encourage you to a subscribe, and give us a five star rating then pass it along, share it to someone, you know. Oftentimes what I see are people are so willing to pass along crap, stupid things, humor things, but they don’t pass along.

The things that make you think. The things that make you go, “Hmm, never really thought about it that way”. Speaking of which, if you’re someone who has been thinking about working with a mentor or a coach, I would encourage you to find the person that resonates with you and can present questions that have you say, “Hmmm, that’s a really good question”. or “I never really thought about it that way”. If you’re not shifting your perspective in your thinking, guess what? You are going to remain the same place, in the same mindset, with the same problems, because nothing changes until something changes. You know what I mean? Alright, that’s a topic for another day.

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